William W. Little II
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William W. Little, II
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America. The land of the free and home of the brave. Our brave servicemen and women who put themselves in harm's way to maintain our freedom are an invaluable asset to our nation. But they can't do it alone. They require the help of private contractors. While our service members are fighting on the front lines, they are assisted on those front lines and back at their bases by a myriad of workers. These foreign nationals provide many assistance in many ways. Some of this help includes, but is not limited to:

These brave men and women make sacrifices like our American troops. And unfortunately, like our American troops, these foreign nationals can get hurt while providing that assistance. From small gunfire and IEDs, to mortar attacks and physical engagements, to simply being injured on the job, they can be hurt in many ways. This inflicted harm can be physical, mental, and many times, both. Some of the injuries include, but are not limited to:

Fortunately there is compensation for these brave contractors through the Defense Base Act. The DBA can provide compensation for: medical or mental health treatment, lost wages for the inability to work, partial and permanent disability, payment for specific injuries such as loss of a limb, rehabilitative and vocational services necessary to help employees return to their jobs, and death benefits to families who have lost a loved one who was providing help but unfortunately died as a result of being killed or a work related accident.

Services Provided by the Law Office of William W. Little II

My firm works with numerous licensed mental and medical health professionals who can evaluate your inury. The firm will gather evidence, including documents, witness statements, medical records, and other pieces of crucial evidence to prove this harm was caused while performing work-related duties.

The Law Office of William W. Little II will work diligently to gather the necessary evidence to prove your claim if you have one. The Firm will collaborate with expert witnesses such as licensed professionals to have you evaluated. If you have a claim, the Firm will file the necessary papaerwork. The Firm will work hard for the best possible settlement for you and your family.

In addition to gathering the ncessary documents, our firm has a team of multilingual experts who are fluent in Spanish, Arabic, and Farsi, in addition to English. Our firm can communicate with our clients effectively even if they don't speak English.

Call today at 540-886-0440 to schedule a consultation.